As we were leaving the shelter today, we paused in the lobby to pet a lucky dog named Gus who was being adopted. His new owner's were setting in front of the desk filling out the paper work and telling a story of how they had just lost their beloved German Shepard to an illness that took it very suddenly. My hear ached at thought of it. We chatted a bit and I learned that they always had German shepards. They had actually come to the shelter to adopt one that was on the web site, but by the time they arrived someone else had adopted it. On the way out they noticed Gus, an Australian Shepard. As they filled out paper work, I could not help noticing that Gus was leaning on the leg of one of his new owners. In fact when I walked into the lobby I thought Gus was there dog and had come with them to the shelter. He seemed to know that these were "his people" that he had been waiting for.
I started thinking about what a lucky dog this was. If his owners had come earlier in the day, he would still be back in a cage waiting for somenone to notice him. If the new owners had not just lost a dog, he would not even have met these folks. In my mind, it kind of gave a sweet meaning to the death of the other dog, as sad as that was. So many times I have seen the universe work this way. There is always a gift in every tragedy, and I stood there looking at the threesome in awe.
I was so moved by the fact that these folks we so willing to love again so soon after their hearts were broken, and how Gus looked so happy to be going home. They said they had been told that Gus had live outside, .but at their house he would live inside. They live behind a big park were they planned to take him to play. The woman reached down and kissed the dog's back and said "we love you." My hear broke wide open and I cried in front of complete strangers.
What an upgrade for this dog, and what a demonstration of the fact that there are so many loving people in the world. Also a demonstration of how sometimes hard things turn out good. Not to mention the luck of being in the right place at the right time. This was true today for Gus, but it was also true for me. I got to see serendipty in action and was very touched by it.
That sweet kiss on the back of that shelter dog is something I will always remember.