When the doctors said "Down's Syndrome" It crashed like a clap of thunder on my ears. The words echoed over and over again in my mind. A black cloud sank over me & I did not hear another word. My precious new baby was going to have challenges, and I was devastated beyond words. I wondered how I was going to cope, how I would teach him, and how it would impact his 1 year old sister at home.
Much to my surprise, my tiny son Lewis, ended up teaching me everything I needed to know about him and much more. He has by far been my greatest teacher, mostly as a model of how to be a magnificent person who loves and forgives unconditionally. He indeed impacted his sister as well. She grew up to one of the most compassionate people I have ever met.
As the years have gone by Lewis has been an inspiration to many people who have had the honor of spending time with him. Teachers, family members, and peers, both in the main stream and special ed classes, have found him to be quiet an amazing young man. He has been Winterfest king at his high school, attended every prom with a date, spent time as an honorary manager of the girls varsity basketball team, and has been highlighted both on TV and in the local newspaper.
In recent years Lewis has worked as a volunteer at a local animal shelter providing enrichment to animals waiting for adoption. There is a special gentleness within him that animals seem to instinctively know is safe. We have four rescue kitties at home and Lewis spends a great deal of his day, taking care of them, playing with them, and holding them in his arms as if they were his children. When he decided it was time to be finished with high school, at age 22, I ask him "what kind of things are you interested in doing next?" His answer was " something with little kids and animals"
His reply, along with another personal trauma, eventually inspired the idea for the Downsy Dude Rescue Ranch project.
* Read more about this on the How and why Downsy Dude Rescue Ranch was inspired page.
Downsy Dude Rescue Ranch will be used to provide enrichment activities to special needs children. Additional future goals include: Parent and community education, pet owner grief counseling, a memorial garden, theraputic horticulture, and wellness retreats.