Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cat love-a Purrrrrfect day at the shelter with the Downsy dude

Today we spent another afternoon at the shelter. Lewis  decided we would focus on the cats for now so we started in the kitten nursery. Our job was to coax the kittens to the front of the cage. We had toys and canned food on a tongue depressor as tools. Kittens who hide are rarely adopted so it is important to create a desire for human interaction. Today there were six cages of kittens with the youngest being 12 weeks. These are pretty big kittens and the bigger they get the less apt to become adopted they are. We had so much fun with the kittens (and them with us) that all the kittens were at the front of the cages by the time we were done. One smart kitten even learned how to give a high five in less than ten minutes.

As we were leaving that area a young couple came it and spotted two of the kittens still frolicking full of energy from our play session. Guess who went to their forever homes today.

Next we moved into the grown cat area. There are suites there were several cats are allowed to play in larger areas. Lewis loves the '"cat rooms" and spent a good deal of time in there just playing with the cats. I was summons to a cage by a small gray howler. She was clearly distressed. I opened the cage and she quickly climbed into my arms. For a few minutes she tried to climb all over me, even on my head. When she would calm down and just let me hold her I would slip her a cat treat. She very quickly adjusted her behavior to maximize her treat experience. She was so happy and grateful to be held that she started giving me hugs- literally put her paws around my neck and planted her cheek on mine. She settled into my arms and fell asleep purring like a maniac.

 Time and attention is such a simple gift to give to a needy animal. In return I had a per-fect afternoon and came home with cat love all over me.

Next post: Wait till you hear what I saw a pit bull do today, it will warm your heart

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