Saturday, June 30, 2012


I have had a spiritual epiphany. I have been working hard to return to my spiritual roots. Part of what I have been asking the universe is how I am to fund Downsy Dude Rescue Ranch. As I was meditating the answer came to me, but I was unsure if the answer was the path I should take as it involves some work with breast cancer victims and I was not sure if I should linger there.

Those of you close to me know that I have won a 3 year battle with breast cancer and have had a pretty nasty case of PTSD due to the experience. As a mental health practitioner, I had lots of tools in my arsenal but was still overwhelmed with fear. I went looking for help and could not find it. In the end, I created my own program, which I am being lead to share with others. I was resistant to think that the answer to funding the Downsy Dude Rescue Ranch was somehow attached to breast cancer. I wanted nothing to do with it and have worked hard at distancing myself from it, and focusing on wellness.

On a whim one day recently I called into a radio talk show on Hay House radio. There was a man by the name of Kyle Gray who is well known as "the angel whisperer". Not even knowing if I really believed in angels, for some reason I decided to call and ask him how I was to fund my project. He blew me away by not only telling me that the arch angle Ariel is with me, but describing the courage I had to use to get through the past 3 years. Next he had a vision that described the key elements of my PTSD program and told me that this was going to be key to funding Downsy Dude Rescue Ranch.

I had not shared with him what the rescue project was about nor, the PTSD program I have been putting together. After I hung up, I googled the arch angel Ariel. I was shocked to learn that she is considered the guardian of the animals and nature. Within few days, I was offered a chance to use my PTSD program with a prominent medical practitioner in my area. I did not solicit this invite and it took me by complete surprise.

When I first got cancer, and over the 3 years of beating it back, I have continually ask the universe "why is this happening to me?" It seemed so wrong. I know in my heart I am a good person and I felt very picked on and devastated by the whole situation. Could it be that it's purpose has now been revealed to me?

I would love to hear your thoughts about this if you are willing. I also need help naming thePTSD program. I welcome feedback and suggestions. Breast cancer and animal rescue.....does this add up?

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